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The Benefits of Massage


          Massage provides relief to people of all ages and walks of life. From infants to elderly, and professional athletes, to weekend competitors and  home gardeners ,to stressed out people from work. Massage bodywork offers a drug free approach to aid health problems and uses the bodys natural ability to heal itself. Different types of health conditions may be addressed with massage, the most common being stress related tension. It has also been proven to be beneficial in treating cancer related fatigue,  sleep disorders,  high blood pressure, diabetes, low back pain, immunity suppression, spinal cord injury, autism, post -operative surgery, age related disorders, infertility, eating disorders, smoking cessation and depression to name a few.


The physiological effects of massage


*Increasing circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients into   tissue and vital organs


*Stimulating the lymph system, the body's natural defense, against toxic invaders, it also helps to stimulate and increase cell counts that help fight cancer


*Relaxes and softens injured and overused muscles


*Increases joint flexibility


*Reduce recovery time for strenuous workouts and eliminating subsequent pains of the athlete at any level


*Releases endorphins, (the body's natural  painkiller). Because of this massage is being  incorporated  into treatments for chronic illness, injury and recovery from surgery in order to help control and relieve pain


*Reducing post surgery adhesions and edema and reducing and realigning scar tissue after healing has occured


*Improving range of motion and decreasing discomfort for patients with low back pain


*Relieving pain for migrane sufferers and decreasing the need for medication


*Providing exercise and stretching for atrophied muscles and reduces shortening of the muscles for those with restricted range of motion


*Contributing to shorter labour and reduced tearing for expectant mothers, as well as lessening the need for medication, minimizing deprssion and anxiety and shorter hospital stays


Massage is not recommended for:


*Certian forms of cancer


*Some cardiac problems

*Some skin conditions

*Infectious diseases


General Physiological Effects


*Breaks down adhesion or scarring


*Increases flexibility and mobility


*Increases joint range of motion


*Balances pH levels


*Reduces chemically induced pain and inflammation


*Increases cellular metabolism


*Increases skin temperature and blood flow


*Promotes hormonal release with systemic effects


* Chemically induces vasodiation


*Improves overall blood and lymph circulation


*Hastens healing


Effects on the Muscular System


*Stretches muscles


*Promotes muscle relaxation


*Improves muscle tone


*Relieves muscle spasms, cramps and pains


Effects on the Nervous System


*Alleviates pain directly, chemically and via the nerous system response


*Promotes homeostasis in the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems


*Promotes the natural release of pain killers (Endorphins)


Effects on the Respiratory System


* Reduces stress and anxiety associated with the respiratory problems


*Relaxes muscles required for the breathing process


*Promotes fluid removal from lungs (precussion techniques)


Effects on the Immune System


* Increase T cytotoxic cells (killer cells)- this happens with decreased anxiety and increased relaxation


*Reduces stress, which has a direct effect on the immunity system and the parasympathetic nervous system


Emotional Effects of Massage


Massage has positive effects on the mind and body which make the client feel better both physically and mentally after a session.


Psychological Benefits


*Reduces stress


*Encourages better nutrition, exercise and health practices


*Reduces pain, both physical and emotional


*Reduces fatigue, both physical and emotional


*Increases productivity


*Promotes a sense of confidence and control


*Promotes deep relaxation


*Promotes feelings of being healthier, more relaxed, invigorated, energetic, peaceful,  and even more youthful


* Helps rebuild a more positive self-image and sense of self-worth



Contraindications for Massage Therapy


For certain medical conditions massage therapy is generally contraindicated
(that is, massage should be avoided at this time).

These include:

   * systemic contagious or infectious diseases (including the common cold)
   * acute conditions requiring first aid or medical attention
   * severe unstable hypertension
   * significant fever


For the following conditions massage therapy is locally contraindicated (affected areas are to be avoided):

   * Acute flare-up of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis 
   * Deep vein thrombosis
   * aneurism
   * frostbite
   * local contagious or irritable skin conditions
   * open sores or wounds
   * recent surgery
   * recent burn
   * varicosities
   * malignancy

(in some of these cases contraindications may be general, depending on location and severity, some condition may require a doctors note for massage therapy to be performed on client)


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